There are 84 cases apoplexy aura who are outpatients in our hospital, they have the 2 items of the 8 items listed below and are found abnormal with hemorheology and microcirculation examination: (1) A transient hemiplegia or paroxysmal upper, lower limb movement dysfunction; (2) A transient aphasia or unclear speech; (3) Intermittent claudication, or unsteady gait; (4) Recent episodes of dizziness; (5) Recently fixed headache; (6) Limb, tongue, fingers, toes numbness or muscle twitch; (7) Ecchymosis on the tongue, or sublingual venous blood stasis; (8) Sluggish pulse or thready sluggish pulse. Self-built Yi Qi Hua Yu Tang with ingredients of Huang Qi, Dan Shen, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao, Hong Hua, Dang Gui, Di Long, adding Niu Xi if there is limbs numbness; adding Shi Chang Pu if there is unclear speech; adding Sang Ji Sheng if there is tottery walk; adding Tian Ma, Gou Teng if there is headache, dizziness or hypertension; adding Jiang Can, Bai Shao Yao, Mu Gua if there is twitch in limb, tongue, fingers, toes numbness or muscle; adding Tao Ren if there is ecchymosis on the tongue, sluggish pulse; adding raw Di Huang if there is Yin deficiency, 15 days are one course. Perform hemorheology and microcirculation inspection before taking medicine and after 1-4 courses.
Result: Total cure rate for clinical symptoms is 63.1%, total effective rate is 90.8%. Blood examination showed that after treatment, whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hematocrit have significant improvement relative to pre-treatment, all the items become normal; Microcirculation examination revealed that the phenomenon consist of blood flow slow or stopped, erythrocyte aggregation and micro-thrombosis decrease average 85% compared to pre-treatment.
Key words: Yi Qi Hua Yu Tang, Herbal treatment, Apoplexy Aura, Clinical Observation
Writer: Yuhua Wang
Ben Xi City Central Hospital, Liaoning Province (117000)