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Internal Medicine

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the factors of chronic renal failure, it is also the one of the reasons which results in the early death of diabetic patients (DM). Bases on the west medicine treatment, we treat 32 cases of diabetic patients (treatment group) through self-built Qi Yu Huang Lian Tang for 3 months and got satisfactory result. There are 30 cases in the contrast group. Western medicine treatment: giving regular medication to lower down the blood glucose for the two groups, including oral taking Tang Shi Ping (Glurenorm), Bai Tang Ping (Glucobay) and Ka Bo Ping, or injection of insulin to control blood sugar at normal levels, using 5mg/d Lotensin for hypertension patients. Additionally, control the diet strictly, take high-quality low-protein diabetic diet. Herbal treatment: on the basis of the method of contrast group, the treatment group used self-built Qi Yu Huang Lian Tang in order to nourish qi and yin, reinforce kidney and tonify spleen, moving qi and invigorate the flow of blood, expel turbid and relieve toxin, consolidate and astringe. Prescription: raw Huang Qi 30g, raw Shan Yao 15g, Shan Zhu Yu 15g, Wu Wei Zi, 10g, Gou Qi Zi 15g, Gui Jian Yu 20g, Di Gu Pi 20g, Qian Shi 15g, Jin Ying Zi 15g, Chuan Xiong 10g, Dan Shen 15g, Da Huang 10g, Jin Yin Hua 10g, Huang Lian 10g, Fu Ling 15g. Modification according to the syndrome: adding raw Shi Gao 20g, Zhi Mu 15g if there is excessive heat; adding Xuan Shen 10g, Tian Hua Fen 10g, Yu Zhu 10g if there is yin damage; eliminating Wu Wei Zi and adding Cang Zhu 15g, Chen Pi 10g if there is excessive phlegm and damp; eliminating Di Gu Pi, Wu Wei Zi if there is excessive damp-heat; adding Tu Si Zi 10g, Yin Yang Huo 15g if there is yang deficiency. 1 decoction each day, oral taking in the morning and evening respectively. 1 month is one course, observing the two groups for 3 courses.

Result: the total effective rates are 90.6% and 76.7% in treatment group and contrast group respectively.

Key words: self-built Qi Yu Huang Lian Tang, herbel treatment, Diabetic Nephropathy Stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ, Clinical Observation

Writer: Yane Wang, Guijun Shao, Jinling Du, Yanmei Ma
Diabetic department, TCM hospital of Huai Rou District, Beijing City (101400)


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