Wei Ling Xian is warm in nature, pungent in taste, and functions on moving to attack evils, opening meridians and activating blood. It is the effective medicine for treating rheumatism, rheumatoid disease and numbness of limbs. It is discovered that a good effect are received in treating atypical hyperplasia of gastric mucosa by Wei Ling Xian. In these 47 cases, 24 cases are in treatment group and 23 cases are in control group, and the general datas are basically same. Treatment group: Wei Ling Xian, 30g is added in the formula. Control group: the formula is applied according to the differentiation and Wei Ling Xian is not used. One month is made one course. The curative effect is observed and gastroscopy examination is taken after 1-2 courses. Results: symptom improvement: 10.3 days at average in the treatment group and 25.4 days in the control group. Gastroscopy: the total effect is 91.7% in the treatment group and 78.3% in the control group.
Key words: Wei Ling Xian, improve, atypical hyperplasia of gastric mucosa
Writer: Zimin Gan, Yuchuan Ren, Kaijun Yang
Tumor digestive department, the third people’s hospital, Yangquan, Shanxi (045000)