Senile vaginitis is caused by ovarian function reduction after female menopause, reduction of estrogen secretion results in vaginal mucosal atrophy, reduction of glycogen inside cells, PH values increases, partial resistance decline results in the breeding of pathogens, it leads to the invasion of inflammation. There are 114 patients who were diagnosed as senile vaginitis in the department of gynecology in the writers’ hospital, all the patients were randomly divided into treatment group (60 cases) and contrast group (54 cases). Treatment method: treatment group: oral taking Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, 8 pills each time, 3 times per day, and combining with the traditional method, no estrogen is used. Contrast group: using traditional method for treatment, which includes: (1) applying 1% lactic acid or 0.1% ~ 0.5% acetic acid for vaginal washing, 1 time per day; (2) Metronidazole 200mg or ofloxacin 100mg, putting into deep vagina; (3) Diethylstilbestrol 0.125-0.25mg, putting into vagina, 1 time each night, nilestriol oral taking, 4mg in the first time, then 1 time every 2 weeks, 2mg each time, continuously for 2-3 months. 7 days are one course in each group, recording the statistical result after 8 courses. Treatment result: the total effective rate is 98.3% in treatment group and 87.1% in contrast group, there is obvious difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Following up after treatment, there is no recrudescence in treatment group, while there are 18 patients relapse.
Key words: Senile Vaginitis, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Writer: Tongbao Yang, Sanmei Teng
National TCM hospital, Feng Huang county, Hunan province (416200)