In many years, we apply Xiao Yao Wan combining with emotion regulation for treatment of 180 cases of Tonic Symptoms. As for contrast group, we use Tian Ma Shou Wu Tablet combining with emotion regulation for treatment of 64 cases in contrast group I, only emotion regulation method is used in contrast group II (48 cases). We would like to report the result in the following. The main symptoms include deprementia, trance, inquietude of emotion, depressed, severe palpitation, being favor of sighing, distending pain in hypochondrium, headache, dizziness, insomnia and poor memory, disorder of appetite, nausea and vomiting etc, even resulting in dysmenorrhea, impotence and spirit disorder etc syndromes. Modern medicine defines it as sympathetic nervous system affecting immune system. Treatment method is as above. Treatment result: comparing with treatment group and contrast group, P<0.01, treatment group is obviously better than that of contrast group I, and contrast group I is better than that of contrast group II.
Key words: Xiao Yao Wan, Emotion regulation, herbal treatment, Tonic Symptoms, Observation of Treatment Effect
Writer: Chunmei Huang, Shouyun Chen, Jinlin Huang
TCM college affiliated hospital, Yi Zhang county, Hunan province (424200)
Sixteen Ye Employees’ hospital, Qu Jiang county, Guangdong province