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Shang Han Lun

Line 357
“When in cold damage that has lasted six or seven days, after great purging, the inch pulse is sunken and slow, there is reverse flow of the extremities, the lower portion of the pulse fails to arrive normally, the throat is inhibited, there is spitting of pus and blood, and incessant Diarrhea, this is difficult to treat.  Ma Huang Sheng Ma Tang governs.

Ma Huang Sheng Ma Tang

Ma Huang 2.5 Liang (Remove Nodes)
Sheng Ma 1 Liang 1 Fen
Dang Gui 1 Liang 1 Fen
Zhi Mu 18 zhu (12 grams)
Huang Qin 18 zhu
Wei Rui 18 zhu
Bai Shao 6 zhu
Tian Men Dong 6 zhu (Remove Hearts)
Gui Zhi 6 zhu (remove bark)
Fu Ling 6 zhu
Gan Cao 6 zhu
Shi Gao 6 zhu (Crushed, Wrapped in cloth)
Bai Zhu 6 zhu
Gan Jiang 6 zhu”

Key Words: Basic Reverting Yin Disease Patterns


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