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Shang Han Lun

Sore Throat Patterns

Line 312
“When In Lesser yin disease, there is damage in the throat, sores are engendered, there is an inability to speak, and no sound issues, Ku Jiu Tang governs.

Ku Jiu Tang

Ban Xia 14 pcs (wash, break into pcs the size of Da Zao kernels)
Ji Zi one pc (remove yolk and add vinegar into the egg shell)”

Line 313
“When In Lesser yin disease, there is soreness in the throat, Ban Xia San Ji Tang governs.”

Ban Xia San Ji Tang

Ban Xia (washed)
Gui Zhi (remove the bark)
Gan Cao”

Key Words: Basic Lesser Yin Disease Patterns, Sore Throat Patterns


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