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Shang Han Lun

Heat Transformation Patterns

Line 303
“When in Lesser yin disease that has lasted more than two or three days, there is vexation in the heart and inability to sleep Huang Lian E Jiao Tang governs.

Huang Lian E Jiao Tang (zhu que tang)

Huang Lian 4 Liang
Huang Qin 2 Liang
Bai Shao2 Liang
Ji Zi Huang 2 raw yolks
E Jiao 3 Liang”

Line 319
“When in lesser yin disease there is Diarrhea for six or seven days, cough, retching, thirst, heart vexation, and inability to sleep, Zhu Ling Tang governs.”

Key Words: Basic Lesser Yin Disease Patterns, Heat Transformation Patterns


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