TCM believes that Fatty Liver is caused by liver-kidney yin deficiency, the liver failing to be nourished, liver qi depression subjugating spleen, dys-splenism, thus, the liver failing to maintain the normal flow of qi, qi obstruction and blood stagnation, damp obstruction, phlegm- turbid producing inside, phlegm and stasis interties. There 93 patients who are inpatients and out patients, all the patients are randomly divided into treatment group and contrast group. Treatment method: 47 cases in treatment group use Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (dissolving it into 50ml warm water, oral taking the suspension), 3 times per day. 46 cases in contrast group are given Inosine Tablets 0.4g, Vitamin C 0.2g, 3 times per day. Result: As to treatment group, in effect of blood fat reduction, liver function recovery during treatment of fatty liver, the treatment group is better than contrast group. As for contrast group, there are 9 cases of occurrence of liver fibrosis, dysfunction of liver. There is no liver fibrosis and pseudolobule forming etc symptoms in treatment group, the patients loosed weight and the spirits improved in different degree. Through statistic, the effect of treatment group is better than that of contrast group.
Key words: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, herbal treatment, Fatty Liver, Observation of Treatment Effect
Writer: Zhijiang Zhuang, Lihong Zhang
2003 batch graduate student, Henan TCM college (450008)