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Shang Han Lun

Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns

Line 107
“When in cold damage that has lasted for eight or nine days, purging is used, and there is fullness in the chest, vexation and fright, inhibited urination, delirious speech, heaviness of the entire body, and inability to turn sides, Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang governs.

Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang

Chai Hu4 Liang
Long Gu 1.5 Liang
Huang Qin 1.5 Liang
Sheng Jiang 1.5 Liang
Qian Dan (graphite) 1.5 Liang
Ren Shen 1.5 Liang
Gui Zhi 1.5 Liang (remove Bark)
Fu Ling 1.5 Liang
Ban Xia 2.5 ge (washed)
Da Huang 2 Liang
Mu Li 1.5 Liang (dry fry)
Da Zao 6 pcs (broken)”

Key Words: Basic Shaoyang Disease Patterns, Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns


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