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Shang Han Lun

Yang Ming Disease Pattern Identification

Line 190
“In yang ming disease, if the person is able to eat, it is called wind strike; if unable to eat, it is called cold strike.”

Line 191
“In yang ming disease, if it is cold strike and there is inability to eat, uninhibited urination, and sweat streaming from the extremities, this means that there is about to be a firm conglomeration and there will be stool that is first hard and then sloppy.  Why this is so is because there is cold in the ST and no separation of water and grain.”

Line 197
“When there is yang ming disease, but sweating is absent and the urine is uninhibited, and there have been two or three days of retching and coughing and reversal of the extremities, the person will suffer from a headache.  If cough, retching, and reversal of the limbs are absent, headache will also be absent.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Yang Ming Disease Pattern Identification


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