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Shang Han Lun

Blood Heat Patterns

Line 237
“When in a Yang ming disease the person is forgetful, there will be blood amassment.  Why this is so is because originally there was enduring blood amassment, thus causing forgetfulness and stool, that although hard, is nevertheless easy to pass, and that will be black in color.  It is appropriate to precipitate with Di Dang Tang.”

Line 257
“When the person has neither an exterior nor an interior pattern and has fever for seven or eight days, although the pulse is floating and rapid, one can precipitate.  If purging has already been used and the pulse is still rapid, having not resolved, the heat has combined with the blood, so there is swift digestion and rapid hungering, and inability to defecate for six or seven days, which means that there is static blood; therefore, Di Dang Tang is appropriate.”

Line 258
“If the pulse is rapid, the disease has not resolved; there is incessant Diarrhea, and there will be complex diarrhea with pus and blood.”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Blood Heat Patterns


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