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Shang Han Lun

Yang Ming Disease and Transmuted Patterns
Yellowing Patterns

Line 199
“When in yang ming disease, sweating is absent, and there is inhibited urination and anguish in the heart, there will be generalized yellowing.”

Line 200
“When a yang ming disease is treated with fire and there is slight sweating from the forehead and inhibited urination, there will be yellowing.”

Line 236
“When in yang ming disease, there is fever and sweating, this means that the heat is straying, and unable to cause yellowing.  Sweating only from the head, not from the body, and stopping at the neck, as well as inhibited urination and thirst with intake of fluids, indicates stasis heat in the interior; hence there will be generalized yellowing and therefore, Yin Chen HaoTang governs.

Yin Chen HaoTang

Yin Chen Hao 6 Liang
Zhi Zi 14 pcs (Broken)
Da Huang 2 Liang (remove Skin)

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Yang Ming Disease and Transmuted Patterns, Yellowing Patterns


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