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Shang Han Lun

Moistening and Enema Patterns

Line 247
“When the Fu yang (Chongyang (ST42) Yuan-Source Point) pulse is floating and rough, floating means strong qi in the ST, and rough means urination is frequent.  The floating and rough qualities of the pulse indicate contention & the stool is hard, which means the SP is straightened; therefore, Ma Zi Ren Wan governs.

Ma Zi Ren Wan

Ma Zi Ren 2 Sheng
Bai Shao half Jin
Zhi Shi Half Jin
Da Huang 1 Jin (remove bark)
Hou Po 1 Chi (mix fry, remove bark)
Xing Ren 1 Sheng (remove skin & tips, dry fry, grind into fat like mixture)”

Key wards: Basic Yang Ming Disease Patterns, Moistening and Enema Patterns


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