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Spleen Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-aponeurosis of external oblique muscle of abdomen-internal oblique mucnle of abdomen-transverse muscle of abdomen-iliopsoal muscle.
In the superficial layer, there are the branches or tributaries of the superficial circumflex iliac artery andvein, the lateral cutaneous branches of the anterior branches of the 11th and 12th thoracic nerves and the 1st lumbar nerve. In the deep layer, there are the muscular branches of abterior branches of the 11th and 12th thoracic nerve and the 1st lumba

Supine position; 3.5 cun laterally apart from QuguCV2(Qugu (CV2)).
Regulating lower jiao, and regulating qi and blood.

Abdominal pain, hernia, and dysuria.

Combined use with RugenST18 (Rugen (ST18)) for treatment of galactozemia; with NeiguanPC6 (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point) for treatment of gastrospasm; with TaichongLR3 (Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point) for treatment of orchitis; and with FusheSP13 (Fushe (SP13)) for treatment of abdominal distention.

Avoid puncturing the artery. Insert the needle perpendicularly 1.0-1.5 cun deep; needling response: local sensation of distension and heaviness, radiating downward to the foot; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 10 min.
Be careful not injuring the femoral triangle below the groin including the femoral artery, the femoral vien and the femoral nerve there in.

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