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Shang Han Lun

Mild Patterns of Exterior Depression
Line 23
“In Tai Yang Disease lasting eight or nine days and resembling malaria, in which there is fever and aversion to cold (with the fever more pronounced than the aversion to cold), and in which the person does not retch, the excretions are still normal, and episodes occur two to three times per day, then the following applies:  If the pulse is slightly moderate this means that there is about to be recovery.  If the pulse is faint and there is aversion to cold, this means that Both Yin and Yang are vacuous and one cannot further promote sweating, further precipitate, or further cause vomiting.  However, a facial complexion with the color of heat means that the disease is not about to resolve; and because the person cannot get up a light sweat, there will be generalized itching; therefore, Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang is appropriate.

Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang

Gui Zhi 1 Liang 16 Zhu
Bai Shao1 Liang
Sheng Jiang 1 Liang (Cut)
Ma Huang 1 Liang (remove nodes)
Da Zao 4 pcs (broken)
Xing Ren 24 pcs (Scald in Hot water & Remove the skin, tips, and two kernels)”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease, Mild Patterns of Exterior Depression


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