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Shang Han Lun

Concurrent Patterns

Line 40
 â€œWhen in cold damage the exterior hasn’t resolved and there is water Qi below the heart, with dry retching, fever, and cough, and possibly thirst or Diarrhea, or dysphasia, or inhibited urination and lesser abdominal fullness, or panting, Xiao Qing Long Tang governs.

Xiao Qing Long Tang

Ma Huang 3 Liang (remove nodes)
Bai Shao3 Liang
Xi Xin 3 Liang
Gan Jiang 3 Liang
Zhi Gan Cao 3 Liang
Gui Zhi 3 Liang (remove bark)
Wu Wei Zi Half sheng
Ban Xia  Half Sheng (washed)”

Line 41
“When in Cold damage there is water qi below the heart, cough, mild panting, and fever w/ out thirst, (thirst after taking the decoction means the cold is going and the disease is about to resolve) Xiao Qing Long Tang governs.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease, Cold Damage Exterior Excess Patterns, Concurrent Patterns


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