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Shang Han Lun

Line 6
“When in Tai Yang Disease there is fever & thirst, without aversion to cold, this is warm disease.  If after sweating has been promoted, there is generalized scorching heat, this is called wind warmth.  When wind warmth causes disease, the yin and yang pulses are both floating, there is spontaneous sweating, generalized heaviness, a tendency to sleep, the breath from the nose will make a snoring sound, and speech is difficult.  If purging has been used, there is inhibited urination, forward staring eyes, and facial incontinence; if fire has been used, there is slight yellowing, and in acute cases there is fright epilepsy, periodic tugging and slackening, and the skin appears as if fumed by fire; one instance of adverse treatment will lengthen the time of disease, and further adverse treatment will lead to the term of life.”

Key Words: Tai Yang Disease, Essentials


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