Persimmon stone in stomach has symptoms of painful abdominal mass in stomach, fullness sensation, distention, stiffness and pain, can not take food, vomiting, upper abdominal pressing pain etc. The etiological factor usually is taking persimmon or haw before meal, the fruit forms mass in stomach (Persimmon Stone in Stomach). It is commonly encountered disease. It can be treated by internal medicine expectant treatment or surgical calculus removal. We utilized herbs for promoting digestion, softening hard mass, purgation method and got satisfactory effect. There are 7 cases in this group who are outpatients. Treatment method: Da Cheng Qi Tang with modification, Mang Xiao (dissolving in water) 15g, Da Huang (wrapping individually) 5g, Zhi Shi 12g, Hou Pu 10g, Ji Nei Jin 20g, Gan Cao 6g, Wu Zei Gu 15g, Lai Fu Zi 15g, Chuan Lian Zi 15g, Yan Hu Suo 15g. Since stomach meridian is active at 7-9 am (fifth of the twelve earthly two-hour periods), the digestion function can be motivated; the large intestine meridian is active at 5-7 am (the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches), the function of discharging can be benefited; the heart meridian is active from 11am to 1pm (the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches, or the noon), it is beneficial for blood circulation; heart fire could elevate stomach earth, the stomach function can be strengthened, therefore, the first decoction should be taken at 7-9 am, the second decoction at 12 am-1 pm, one decoction per day.
Result: generally, after 2-4 decoction, the persimmon stone in stomach had been resolved, the patients were found healing through the examination of gastroscope, the symptoms disappeared, then followed by decoction with function of tonifying spleen and harmonizing stomach.
Key words: Da Cheng Qi Tang, herbal treatment, Persimmon Stone
Writer: Xiuqing Sun
Spleen-stomach department, TCM hospital, Shun Yi district, Beijing (101300)