Peptic ulcer comprises of gastric ulcer and duodenum ulcer, the clinical symptoms include chronic periodic episode and rhythmic upper abdominal pain, it commonly combines with (or dose not combine with) the symptoms of heartburn, sour regurgitation, chest-abdominal fullness, hiccough. Herbal treatment has long history on this disease, the effect is reliable and accurate, the toxic and side-effect seldom occur.
1. Qi obstruction type: prescription: Jia Wei Xiang Su Yin combines with Chai Hu Shu Gan San with modification: Xiang Fu, Su Geng, Chen Pi, Chai Hu, Zhi Qiao, Da Fu Pi, Xiang Yuan, Fo Shou, Sha Ren, Bai Shao, Gan Cao.
2. Blood stagnation type: prescription: Jia Wei Jin Ling Zi San: Jin Ling Zi, Yuan Hu, Xiang Yuan, Fo Shou, Xiang Fu, Chen Pi, Zhi Ke, Da Fu Pi, Zhi Zi, Huang Lian, Wu Zhu Yu, calcining Wa Leng.
3. Middle Jiao deficiency: (1) Spleen stomach deficiency-cold: prescription: Jia Wei Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang: toast Huang Qi, Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, toast Gan Cao etc, Yi Tang, Gao Liang Jiang, Da Zao, Jin Ling Zi, Yuan Hu, Xiang Fu. (2) Spleen stomach deficiency heat: prescription: Jia Jian Yi Wei Tang: Bei Sha Shen, Mai Dong, Dan Shen, Shi Hu, Bai Shao, Gan Cao, Ma Chi Xian, Po Gong Ying, Xiang Fu, Jin Ling Zi, Yuan Hu.
Key words: Peptic Ulcer, herbal treatment, New Experience
Writer: Jiawei Xie
Da Zhai center hospital, Hua county, Henan province (456450)