The reason of bile reflux gastritis is that the content of duodenum regurgitate to stomach and contact with gastric mucosa result in endogastritis. Namely alkaline reflux gastritis. According to clinical observation, Si Ni San has appeasement and spasmolysis function, easing pain and antiinflammatory function, it can reinforce stomach constriction, enhance stomach strain, improve gastric Antrum and duodenal harmonizing function, boost stomach evacuation, shorten the transport time of semisolid and solid food in gastrointestinal tract. Zuo Jin Wan has function of strengthening stomach and stopping vomit, antibiosis and dephlogisticate, stopping pain. The combination of the herbs and Chinese patent medicine mentioned above could maintain the balance among the chloecystokinin pancreozymin and secretin which are excreted by duodenum, and the gastrin which is excreted by gastric antrum. Yang Wei capsule’s ingredients: Ren Shen, Huang Lian, Chen Xiang, San Qi etc, it has function of tonifying spleen, calming the adverse-rising energy, relieving turgescence and stopping pain, stopping bleeding, dispersing pain. Si Ni San combining with Zuo Jin Wan and Yang Wei Capsule, it has function of soothing liver and gallbladder, clearing stagnant heat, harmonizing gallbladder and stomach, calming the adverse-rising energy, tonifying spleen-stomach, adjusting activities of qi. All the symptoms would be healed.
Key words: Si Ni San, Zuo Jin Wan,Yang Wei Capsule, herbal treatment, Bile Reflux Gastritis
Writer: Wenyi Zhang
98 Mail box, Lu Shan County, He Nan province (467300)