There are 120 outpatients who were diagnosed as peptic ulcer by electronic gastroscope. All the patients were randomly divided into treatment group (72 cases), contrast group (48 cases). Treatment and observation method: treatment group: self-built Wu Xing Wu Se Xiao Yang Tang with ingredients of Jin Yin Hua 30g, Mu Xiang 10g, Shui Zhi 5g, Tu Fu Ling 30g, Huo Ma Ren 5g, Huang Qi 30g, Hong Hua 10g, Wu Mei 10g, Qing Pi 10g, Bai Ji 10g, Wu Zei Gu 20g, Huang Lian 10g, raw Gan Cao 10g. Water decocting, 1 decoction per day, 4 weeks continually are one course. Contrast group: medical department San Lian method: Losec 20mg, 1 time each morning, Colloidal Bismuth Pectin 2 granules, 3 times per day, Amoxicillin capsule 4 capsules, 3 times per day. 4 weeks are one course. Observation method: all the patients take one time gastroscopy before and after treatment, then maintain the treatment, repeating the gastroscopy in order to conduct the symptomatic treatment and persist in the prior treatment scheme if there are symptoms of stomach pain, distention, sour regurgitation etc.
Treatment result: The recovery rate, total effective rate and recurrence rate have obvious difference (P<0.05) between the two groups, the result of treatment group is better than contrast group.
Key words: Wu Xing Wu Se Xiao Yang Tang, herbal treatment, Peptic Ulcer
Writer: Xiujun Pan, Duoxiang Wang, Hongxia Zhang
Qi Li county clinic department, the medical institute of Dunhuang city, Gansu province (736202)