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There are 66 cases of Diarrhea infants in this group. It characterized by frequent stools, 3-5 times at average, 10 times for the severe ones. The stools are pale yellow or watery; some are mixed with indigested milk mass, like egg flower soup; some mix with a little mucus. Nausea, vomiting, fever and thirst are followed by. A few of leucocyte and fat globules are seen by microscopical examination of stool. based on the examination, bacterial infection or pathogen developed by stool in intestinal tract is not in range of this treatment. Treatment: burning the moxa cone, and holding it 0.5 cun above Shenque (CV8) till the skin gets warm and flush; moving the moxa cone left and right, up and down centered around CV8 for 5 minutes; once a day, and 3 days treatment makes one course. Results: the total effect is 95.4%.
Key words: moxibustion  CV8  infantile diarrhea

Chunfeng Xia
Traditional Chinese medicine department, Pepole’s hospital, Shangrao, Jiangxi province (334000)


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