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Internal Medicine

Facial spasm is one common and incurable disease. In these 21 cases, 5 cases suffer from spasm of eyes, face and mouth at same time frequently for more than one year, 9 cases have milder syndromes than the former, or suffer from spasm in two regions frequently for 05.-3 years. 7 cases have spasm on eyes and face or mouth and face or only on eyes in mild degree with intermittent outbreak. Treatment: puncturing into intracutaneous on affect side, and the needle tip makes skin protuberant, like hillock. The needle body is kept suspended and nondeciduous. In the clinic, sallow puncture is applied on related region. One point can be punctured by surrounding puncture. The starting points of spasm can be treated by dragon needling, or by pricking method. The needles are retained for 40 minutes; once a day; and 12 courses are made one course. Slight pain sensation is felt when the patients are treated. Slight feverish sensation and congestion occurs on some patients in the treatment. Results: After pricking, 11 cases are cured, 4 cases are excellent and 6 cases are improved.

Key words: puncture, cortex, facial spasm

Writer: Weijun Yang
Xiyuan health hospital, Zhongwei, Ningxia Hui autonomous region


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