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Internal Medicine

12 cases of facial spasm patients are outpatients, and 8 of them have received acupuncture treatment and 4 of them are in the initial treatment stage. Treatment: prescription: main acupoints: Yang Bai (Jianjing (GB21)), Si Bai (Sibai (ST2)), Tai Yang (EX-HN5), Jia Che (Jiache (ST6)), Yi Feng (Yifeng (TE17)) and Feng Chi (Fengchi (GB20)). Adjunct acupoints: for Eyelid myoclonia: Si Zhu Kong (Sizhukong (TE23)) and Zan Zhu (Cuanzhu (BL2)); for zygomaticus spasm: Quan Liao (Quanliao (SI18)) and Ying Xiang (Yingxiang (LI20)); orbicularis oris spasm: Di Cang (Dicang (ST4)) and Cheng Jiang (RV23). Puncture methods: tapping on the acupoints after disinfecting on acupoints and plum needles according to the spasm region. The manipulation is swift and from slight to heavy, with local bleeding. Wipe the blood with dry cotton ball. If the bleeding is unsmooth, air eject cup will be applied. Once every other day, and 5 times treatment is made one course. Treatment results: 6 cases are cured, accounting for 66.7%, 4 cases are improved, accounting for 33.3%. all the cases are effective.

Key words: Plum needle, tapping, facial spasm

Writer: Baihong xu, Xinhong Li
department of physiotherapy, Jiexiu railway hospital, railroad suboffice, Taiyuan (LU9)Shu-Stream Point, Yuan-Source Point, Shanxi province (032000)


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