The observation objects are patients suffered from abdominal pain who I met in emergency department and department of internal medicine, the longest disease history is 2 days, and the shortest disease history is half hour. The cases include acute gastroenteritis, kidney angina, gallbladder angina, acute appendicitis, Peptic Ulcer, chronic gastricism when acute attacking, Gastrointestinal spasm etc. Treatment method: meridian and points selecting: three yang channels of hand and three yin channels of hand, stomach meridian, bladder meridian; points: Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point, Chize (LU5)He-Sea Point, Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine, Danshu (BL19), Pishu (BL20), Weishu (BL21), Shenshu (BL23), Sanjiaoshu (BL22), Dachangshu (BL25), Shi Xuan etc. Technique: pressing-kneading, holding, striping, one finger pressing, finger-pushing, pinching. Combining with inquisition, body checking, as for adult, we should use middle or high strength, but as to children, we should apply middle or low strength operation. Basic technique: pressing and kneading LI4 (both sides), holding LI11 (both sides) and/or adding pressing-kneading ST25.
Second step: if the method mentioned could not get effect, we should add finger-pushing method and striping method along the three hand yang meridians, three hand yin meridians from up to down until the tip of fingers, then pinch Shi Xuan points for approximately 5 seconds. The third step: performing the above operation for 1-2 minutes but none effect was received, adding one finger pushing or pressing-kneading on BL19, BL20, BL21, BL23, BL22, BL25 (the points were choose according to the disease condition). When massaging for 6 minutes but the symptoms is not relieved, we should apply herbs to resolve the symptoms. Attention: herbs or medicine should be used according to the symptoms immediately besides massage when the patients have severe abdominal pain and shock trend in order to relieve the patients’ pain. As for patients with acute abdomen, we should avoid massaging abdominal area and sending the patients to department of surgery immediately in order to avoid the disease situation become more severe or the diseases are dallied over. It is prohibited for pregnant woman. Result: total effective rate is 90.3%.
Key words: massage, treatment, Acute Abdominal Pain, clinical summary
Writer: Yueqin Fu
Clinic of Hainan Province People’s Hospital (570311)