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Internal Medicine

What syndrome can be treated by big-complex formula?
 (1) big-complex formula basically fits for complex pathogenesis, cold-heat complication, excess and deficiency exist synchronously, multi-zangfu was harmed, manifold evil qi impinge, disease with various pathogenesis coexist. 
(2) It is mainly chronic disease or combination of chronic and acute disease. 
(3) Long-term delay of treatment, repeatedly improper treatment resulting in refractory disease. 
(4) Repeated diseases, the disease that is difficult to diagnose. 
(5) Theory, method and prescription combined application, but the effect is not ideal.

There are three steps to form big-complex formula:
(1) The compatibility is the most import factor. Various herbs are single-handedly mixed, which is like an awkward squad, it is difficult to defeat disease. Compatibility principle is based on <Neijing>, <Qian Jin Fang> “assistant and guide; minister; monarch”, “simultaneous application of principal and subordinate treatments” etc theory, and then elevate and boost them. 
(2) Basic prescription is formed by unit herbs, but big-complex formula contains basic prescriptions as the unit ingredients, therefore, good big-complex formula need well application of various prescriptions, being familiar with numerous prescriptions, then, we could select the prescription according to demand. 
(3) When the prescriptions are applied, the form of prescription should be flexible, we must refer to the book of <Yi Xue Ru Men> adding, deducting, penetrating, conjunction, selecting five methods, adding and deducting change.

Key words: herbs, prescription, big-complex formula, discussion

Writer: Mingquan Zhang
No.2 hospital, Jia Xing City, Zhe Jiang Province (314000)


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