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Internal Medicine

Discuss of Success and Failure of Experience of Treatment of Cough Given by Ma Dou Ling

According to many years’ experience, the writer has the conclusion in the following: (1) Ma Dou Ling can clear lung heat, act lung collaterals, resolving stubborn sputum. It is fit for long-term cough due to upper jiao excess heat, severe cough and cough more severe during night.  (2) Ma Dou Ling belongs to sputum relieving herb which may induce nausea, if the dosage is too large, or mistake in syndrome differentiation, nausea even vomiting will be conduced. The common dosage is between 3 and 10g.  (3) It should be cautiously used by children, elderly, weak people and patients who have deficiency cold in spleen-stomach; it is prohibited for patients who are at the beginning of cough, cough in the day but do not cough during sleep.  (4) Modification: adding Sheng Jiang, Gan Cao, the toxin of Ma Dou Ling could be controlled.  (5) Under general occasion, if the patients have nausea even vomiting, we do not need disposing, the symptoms will be relived after vomiting. If the symptom of vomiting is severe, the patients should stop using the herb and be treated according to the related symptom, meanwhile, the doctor should consider whether the syndrome differentiation is right or not.

Key words: Ma Dou Ling, Cough treatment, Success and Failure

Writer: Xinwang Xu
Tong Zhou district middle and primary school hospital, Beijing (101100)


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