Chronic kidney failure (CRF) is the conjunct consequence of severe kidney configuration and functional damage due to the continually developing of various primary or secondary nephrosis, which is a kind of progressive and irreversible clinical syndrome. There are 30 cases inpatients, among which 25 cases are chronic glomerulonephritis, 2 cases are nephritic syndrome, 1 case of hypertension arteriosclerosis renal, 1 case of diabetic nephropathy, 1 case of acetanilid kidney disease. Treatment method: (1) diet treatment: giving high quality low protein and low phosphor diet, assuring the energy provision and avoiding the consume of body physical condition. Controlling the intake of nonessential amino acid, essential amino acids is not strictly needed. (2) All the patients orally take Yi Shen Xie Zhuo Tang, 1 decoction per day. Ingredients: Da Huang, raw Huang Qi, Huang Lian, Shan Yao, Shan Zhu Yu, Su Ye, Fu Ling, Ze Xie, Dan Shen, Shu Di Huang, Hou Pu, Da Fu Pi etc. Continue taking for 2 months, observing the effect. (3) Treatment aiming at symptoms: adding sodium bicarbonate if there is acidosis, adding Calcium Channel Blockers and/or ACEI preparation; adding diuretics if there is edema; adding insulin if there is diabetes.
Result: most of patients’ urine is increased, the stools is in semisolid form, 2-3 times a day, the symptoms of fatigue, soreness sensation in lumbar region and knees, four limbs numbness is improved. Among which, before treatment, there are 12 cases have symptoms of aversion to cold and cold limbs, 10 cases have nausea and vomiting, 9 cases have skin itching, the symptoms are relieved after treatment. Before treatment, the hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (HCT), total volume urine (uPPO), serum creatinine (SCr), endogenous creatinine clearance rate (CCr), were checked, 2 months later, review all the items above and comparing this result with the primary data. Among which, after treatment, there are 9 patients’ Hb decreased, 6 cases uPPO increased, 10 cases SCr grew, on the basis of statistic disposing, every item is better than it is before the treatment, SCr and CCr have obvious difference (P<0.05), but Hb, uPPO, HCT have no evident difference (P>0.05).
Key words: Yi Shen Xie Zhuo Tang, herbal treatment, Chronic Kidney Failure
Writer: Zhibin Wang
Dong Shan county hospital, Fujian province (363400)