Different zang-fu has various activities of qi, if the zang-fu locates in the lower place, its function is ascending, if it is situated in the upper place, its function is descending. Five Zang belong to yin, they store pneuma, their function is ascending and out tendency; six Fu belong to yang, they transfer material, they tend to descend and inside tendency.
1. Lung’s function is mainly descending, there is some ascending function inside: herbs include Jie Geng, Zi Wan, Yu Jin, Zhi Ke, Pi Pa Ye, Gan Cao.
2. Liver’s function is mainly ascending, there is some descending inside: herbs include Chai Hu, Qing Pi, Sang Ye, Zhi Ke, Jie Geng, Bo He, Sheng Mai Ya, Gan Cao.
3. As for lung, there is ascending function besides descending function; as to liver, there is descending function besides ascending function, the two zang control each other, the function of ascending and descending is in order.
4. Spleen master ascending, stomach master descending, they are the hinge of activities of qi (ascending and descending).
5. Heart fire descend, kidney fire ascend, the functions of the heart and kidney keep in balance: (1) water deficiency and fire flaming up syndrome: Huang Lian A Jiao Ji Zi Huang Tang with modification; (2) Fire weakness and water excess syndrome, using Zhen Wu Tang with modification; (3) upper heat and lower cold syndrome, using Jiao Tao Pill with modification.
Key words: Theory of Ascending and Descending of Activities of Qi, clinical application
Writer: Zheng Han
TCM department, Xin Xing Zhu Guan No.2 hospital, Handan city, Hebei province (056017)