Myocardial ischemia is frequently encountered disease, it belongs to the category of heart blood deficiency, qi and blood weakness in TCM, actually, it caused by abnormality of hematopoietic system and deficiency of blood-supply. The symptoms include severe palpitation, anisorhythmia, frighten, insomnia, dreaminess, irritability, irritation, depression, poor appetite, fullness in chest, shortness of breath, sensitivity, suspicious, dizziness, fatigue, soreness in lumbar region and knees, which contain the early symptoms of hypertension, hypotension, hyperglycemia, hypoglycaemia, coronary heart disease, angina, cardiovascular disease., cerebrovascular disease.
The writer treated 232 cases of myocardial ischemia in clinic for 5 months, during treatment, there were some patients who have the symptoms of fullness in chest and shortness of breath when using reinforcement method, or they have severe palpitation, fatigue, heat resulting in dry mouth, toothache due to inflammation etc syndrome when using reducing method, stomach pain and Diarrhea when using coolness method. Therefore, we should use proper methods of reinforcement, reducing, coolness and heat, we apply mild tonification and mild regulation method for the treatment of this disease, the related prescriptions would be described in the following.
Key words: Chinese medicine, Myocardial Ischemia, clinical research
Writer: Luqi Feng
33 of Su Lu Da Jie west (Bai Cao Tang), Xin Ji city, Hebei province (052360)