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We have treated numerous cases of tinea of feet and hands, and got perfect result in clinic, all the cases did not easily relapse. We would like to introduce our experience in the following report. Treatment method: (1) oral taking prescription: Ku Shen 10g, She Chuang Zi 12g, Di Fu Zi 12g, Huang Bai 10g, Bai Xian Pi 10g, Chuan Xiong 10g, raw Di Huang 30g, Mu Dan Pi 10g, Jie Geng 10g. Decocting, 1 decoction each day, 10 days are one course. (2) Exterior washing: Ku Shen 30-60g, Ku Fan 10g, immersing in water, adding the dregs of oral decoction, using the decoction for exterior washing on the affected area, 2 times a day, over 30 minutes each time. Discussion: we use prescription with the function of expelling wind and drying damp, killing sterilization for oral intake when we treat this disease, in the meantime, adding Jie Geng or Xing Ren to promote the dispersing function of lung according to the theory of lung controlling skin and hair, additionally, combining with the exterior herbal washing, we obtained perfect effect. We found that the effect would not be obvious if there is no Ku Shen used. Meanwhile, we also discovered that the most of the prescription with the function of treating tinea of feet and hands contain the herb of Ku Shen, therefore, Ku Shen is a excellent herb for treatment of tinea.

Key words: Ku Shen, Tinea of Feet and Hands

Writer: Xi Xin Li, Yuxin Wang
Herbal staff room, College of Basic Medicine, Shandong TCM University. (250014)
Mental health center of Shandong province


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