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Internal Medicine

Chronic colonitis patients usually suffer from Diarrhea for many years, dropping sensation with abdominal pain, small amount of stools, or there is some mucus on stools, or bloody stools, 3-5 times a day, the patients are often weak and become thin, sigmoidoscope shows some ulcers on colon.

Treatment method: prescription: Huang Qi, Dang Gui, Dan Shen, Bai Tou Weng, Qin Pi, Huang Bai, Prepared Sheng Jiang, Yan Hu Suo, Mu Xiang, burnt Bing Lang,  burnt Shan Zha, Wu Zei Gu, Bai Ji, Gan Cao. Treatment result: total effective rate is 100%, 72% cases are healed.

Key words: Even Reinforcement and Invigorating Flow of Blood and Clearing Interior, Herbal treatment, chronic colonitis.

Writer: Lei Shi
Wan Sheng Hospital, No.106, Di Kou road, Jinan city, Shandong province (250031)


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