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Nei Jing

The five zang-organs keep the essential qi inside. When evil abounds in the middle-jiao, the zang-organs become full and distention. The patient is frightened due to the prevailing evil. The voice seems sounding from a chamber, because the qi of the lung and kidney is clouded by damp. Weak, low and intermittent speech is due to deprivation of the qi. Failure to keep clothing and covers on, and abusive remark without regarding to people, it is due to deranged spirit. The granary fails to store, because the gates were not strong enough to hold in the stored qi. The incontinence of urine is because of the bladder fails to store. One whose body can maintain such restraint will live; one whose body fails in this regard will die.

Key Words: discussion of profundity and subtlety of pulse essentials, in the plain questions


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