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Traumatology and Orthopedics

Using self-made Ge Gen Shu Jing Tang treats different types of cervical spondylosis with satisfactory results. Among 198 cases, 135 cases with X-ray examination show variable physiological curvature straight, angles or hyperosteogeny, 153 cases of 5~6 or 6~7 cervical intervertebral space narrowing, 110 cases of nerve root type, 19 cases of sympathetic type, 16 cases of cervical artery type, 20 cases of carotid-type, 24 cases of mixed type, 9 cases of spinal cord or nerve type. Treatment methods: Ge Gen Shu Jing Tang components: Ge Gen 30g, Bai Shao Yao 30g, Gan Cao 10g, ji Xue Teng 30g, Mu Gua 15g, Wei Ling Xian 15g, Dang Gui 10g, Wu Gong 2 piece, Qiang Huo 10g, Jiang Huang 10g, Bai Zhu 15g, Huang Qi 30g, Gu Sui Bu 30g, Yan Hu Suo 20g. Modified: add Di Long 15g, Quan Xie 6g, Qi She 15g, and prepared Ma Qian Zi 0.5g for spinal nerve-type. 10 days consider to one treatment course. The functional training exercises are applied to strengthen the neck during the treatment course.
Results: The total effective rate is 95.45%.

Key words: Herbal Treatment, Cervical Spondylosis, Ge Gen Shu Jing Tang

Writer: Zhancai Li
Chinese medicine hospital of Kangbao County, Hebei Province (076650)


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