The Emperor asked: "Your remarks seem plausible. But why do medical books say that doctors should exclusively select the Yangming to treat atrophy diseases?"
Qi Bo answered: "The Yangming stomach is the sea of the zang-organs and six fu-organs, and is responsible for nourishing the multitudinous sinews, which govern restricting the bones and smoothing the joints. The penetrating channel is the sea of the twelve channels and dominates permeating the large and small muscles, joints; it converges with the Yangming channel at the ancestral sinew where many yin channels and yang channels gather generally. All these channels meet again at Qichong (ST30) point, whereas the Yangming stomach channel plays as a leader. All these channels are related to the girdling channel, and link up with the governing channel by channels’ network. So, if the Yangming is insufficient, the ancestral sinew will slacken, and the girdling channel will fail to tighten up. Therefore, the legs may atrophy and become disabled."
Key words: discussion of atrophy diseases, in the plain question