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Nei Jing

The Emperor asked: "How can these impediment diseases move inwards and lodge in the five zang-organs and six fu-organs?”

Qi Bo answered: "The five zang-organs have their external correspondences. If the diseases are prolonged and do not recede, they may move inwards to lodge at the corresponding zang-organs. Therefore, if bone impediment is not cured and the patient is attacked by evils again, the impediment will move inwards to settle at the kidneys. If sinew impediment is not cured and the patient is attacked by evils again, the impediment will move inwards to settle at the liver. If blood vessel impediment is not cured and the patient is assailed by evils again, the impediment will move inwards to lodge at the heart. If flesh impediment is not cured and the patient is stricken by evils again, the impediment will move inwards to dwell at the spleen. If skin impediment is not cured and the patient is stricken by evils again, the impediment will move inward to stay in the lungs. What we call impediment diseases of the viscera are caused by the second attack by the wind, cold and dampness in their designated seasons.

Key words: discussion of impediment diseases, in the plain question


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