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Nei Jing

The accumulation that settles at the foot yangming stomach channel is located at the side of the umbilicus. Satiety makes it increase while hunger makes it diminish; the accumulation swelling at the sinews of the stomach resembles the former. Satiety produces pain and hunger produces calm. The accumulation that lodges at the wrapping membranes of the intestines and stomach aches to draw the sinews of the stomach outside. Satiety renders it calm while hunger causes pain. The accumulation that stays at the hidden penetrating channel moves when palpated. After palpation, the patient feels hot air currents flowing down the two things as if hot soup is behind the intestines. It is visible during hunger, and invisible and rarely perceptible by palpation when sated. The accumulation that is located at the transport channel obstructs this channel. The fluids cannot flow downward, and the skin’s pores dry up and clog. These are the common conditions that the evils travel from the exterior to the interior and from the upper part to the lower part.

Key Word: the beginning of the hundred diseases, in the divine pivot


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