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Nei Jing

Lingering instead of leaving, the evils are transmitted to settle at the hidden penetrating channel. When the evils are at the hidden penetrating channel, the body becomes burdensome, heavy and aching. If the evils persist in lingering, they will make their way to the intestines and stomach. If the evils are in the intestines and stomach, the intestines rumble and the abdomen distends. Excessive cold there can cause intestinal rumbling, Diarrhea, and indigestion; excessive heat there can cause loose, foul stool. Lingering instead of leaving, the evils are transmitted to dwell outside the intestines and stomach, settle at their wrapping membranes, and lodge at the vessels there, the evils linger there and do not recede, and disease grows into an accumulation. The evils dwell at the sub- collaterals, collaterals, channels, transport channel, hidden penetrating channel, para vertebral sinews, or wrapping membranes of the intestines and stomach whose upper part connects with the sinews of the stomach. The permeating and overflowing of evils are beyond the scope of any detailed discussion.

Key Word: the beginning of the hundred diseases, in the divine pivot


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