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Nei Jing

The Emperor asked Qi Bo: "The hundred diseases all begin due to wind, rain, cold, summer heat, cold-dampness, joy and anger. Intemperate joy and anger injure the zang-organs. Wind and rain damage the upper part, while cold and dampness injure the lower part. The three types of evils injure different parts of the body. Tell me about the injured parts."

Qi Bo answered: "The three types of evils are different. Diseases begin from the yin or the yang. Let me remark upon the regularity. The intemperate joy and anger impair the zang-organs. Due to this impairment of the zang-organs, diseases emanate from the yin. Cold and dampness assail the weak part of the body, so diseases arise from the lower part. Wind and rain assail the weak part, so diseases occur in the upper part. These are called the evils of three different parts. The permeating and overflowing of evils are countless."

Key Word: the beginning of the hundred diseases, in the divine pivot


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