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Nei Jing

Once the kidney channel has been disordered, the patient suffers from hunger without appetite, face dark like burnt wood, coughing and spitting with blood, and gasping with hoarse and whimpering. He wants to stand up rather than sitting. His sight is blurred to the point of being cloudy. He feels his heart pendent as if in hunger. The patient is prone to be frightened, when the qi is insufficient. He is highly fearful as if someone will arrest him. This disease is called qi reversal of the bone.

Therefore, the channel dominates disease due to disorders of the kidneys. These are characterized by hot mouth, dry tongue, swollen pharynx, feeling qi ascent, dry and painful larynx, vexation, painful heart, jaundice, intestinal flux, painful spine and back edges of the inner thighs, atrophy, qi reversal, somnolence, and hot and painful soles. 

Key Words: channels, in the divine pivot


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