Fear and thought of the heart impair the spirit. The impaired spirit induces greater fear, loss of self control, haggardness, withered hair and wizened color. The patient will die in winter. Unrestricted melancholy of the spleen damages the idea. The damaged idea makes depression, vexation, feeble limbs, withered hair and wizened color, the patient will die in spring. Sorrow of the liver injures the viscera and yang soul. The injured yang soul causes madness, stupidity, scrotum contracture, tendons and vessel cramping, ribs subsidence, withered hair and wizened color. The patient will die in autumn. Great joy of the lungs damages the yin soul. The damaged yin soul results in insanity, and behaving as if no one else were present. Dried-up skin, withered hair and wizened color are also induced. The patient will die in summer. Rage of the kidneys harms the resolution. The harmed resolution makes the patient forget what he said, destroys the flexibility of his back, and causes withered hair and wizened color. The patient will die in late summer.
Key Words: root spirit, in the divine pivot