Knee arthritis is caused by wind, cold, damp, heat etc exterior evils attacking, the symptoms include knee joint pain, numbness, heaviness, dysfunction of bending and extending, even joint intumescence and fever etc symptoms, repetitious recrudescence is the difficulty of this disease. Treatment key points: choosing points locally, activating collaterals and meridians. Points: Neixiyan, Dubi (ST35), needling for two times respectively, switching on electric needling device, selecting continuous wave for main wave, current intensity is adjusted to appropriate stimulus intensity between sensory threshold and pain threshold, the electrifying time should be 20-35 minutes, one time each day, 7 times are one course. Herbal exterior application: Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Niu Xi, Du Huo, Du Zhong, Xiang Fu, Bai Zhi, Dan Shen, Gui Zhi, Chen Pi, Wei Ling Xian. Modification according to syndrome differentiation: adding Fang Feng, Chuan Wu if there is moving soreness sensation, numbness, distention and pain; adding Fang Feng, Chuan Wu if there is excessive wind evil; adding Fang Ji, Mu Gua if there is soreness and heaviness, excessive damp; adding Chuan Wu, Cao Wu if there is cold pain and excessive damp; adding Tu Bie Chong, Yuan Hu if there is numbness and twinge; adding Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Huang Bai if there are red and swollen, fever which belong to wind damp-heat blockage.
Result: total effective rate is 100%.
Key words: electric needling, herbal exterior application, knee arthritis
Writer: Yongsong He, Lingyuan Ma, Jinmei Lu
Wen Feng Shan people’s hospital, Shang Yan town, Cang Shan county, Shandong province (277712)