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Internal Medicine

The writer use replenishing kidney, promoting qi and nourishing blood method for treatment of 40 cases of aplastic anemia according to clinical practice. Treatment method:
Kidney yang deficiency (spleen-kidney yang deficiency) type: the main symptoms include aversion to cold, short breath, fatigue, poor spirit, soreness sensation on number region and knees, dizziness, severe palpitation, lower fever sometimes, or epistaxis, deep-slow pulse, pale tongue, thin yellow tongue coating or thin white coating, we should Wen Yang Yi Qi Sheng Sui Bu Shen Tang (self-built prescription). The ingredients include Sheng Di Huang, Shu Di Huang, He Shou Wu, Shan Zhu Yu, Gou Qi Zi, Dang Shen (or Red Shen), Sang Shen Zi, Dang Gui, Rou Cong Rong, Tu Si Zi, Lu Jiao Jiao, Mai Men Dong.
Kidney yin deficiency type: the main symptoms include dizziness, severe palpitation, short breath, epistaxis, teeth bleeding, haemoptysis, hematuria, bloody stools, fever, night sweating, thirsty and desire for drink, dry stools, dark urine, deep-week-rapid pulse, deep red tongue with petechia, bloody vesicle, taking Zi Yin Qing Re Sheng Xue Bu Shen Tang (self-built prescription). The ingredients include: Sheng Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Shan Zhu Yu, Shan Yao, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Pu Gong Ying, Ju Hua, Nu Zhen Zi, Mai Men Dong, Tu Si Zi, Gui Ban Jiao, Hong Shen, Bu Gu Zhi, He Shou Wu.

Result: total effective rate is 85%.

Key words: Replenishing Kidney, Promoting Qi and Nourishing Blood, herbs, Aplastic Anemia

Writer: Jianzhong Wang
Xiangpan city center hospital, Hubei province (441021)


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