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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Threatened abortion indicates small amount of vaginal bleeding before 28 weeks pregnancy, which followed by paroxysmal lower abdominal pain or lumbar-back pain, gynecological examination shows that the cervix did not open, the membrane has not been broken and the product of pregnancy did not discharge, uterine size and the time line with the menses stop, the pregnancy can be continue.

1. Treating the “branch” for acute condition, taking promoting qi as main method: most of patients appear small amount of vaginal bleeding when early stage of pregnancy (30-50 days), sometimes there is bleeding and sometimes it is stop, or combining with lumbosacral soreness-distention, lower abdomen, anus falling-distention, frequent urine etc symptoms. The writer usually uses Ju Yuan Jian with modification for treatment, which includes Ren Shen, Huang Qi, roasting Gan Cao, Bai Zhu, Sheng Ma.
2. Treating the “root” for chronic condition, taking regulating-reinforcing liver-kidney as main method: the patients were treated by Ju Yuan Jian with modification, the symptom of vaginal bleeding disappeared, the writer always choose the method of regulating liver, replenishing kidney, soothing the fetus to consolidate the effect according to the difference of complication, Shou Tai Wan, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with modification are always be used.

Key words: Stages, Syndrome Differentiation, Threatened Abortion

Writer: Xiao Mao, Jin Huang, Hui Tang, Yuechan Huang
TCM department, Wuning county people’s hospital, Jiangxi province (332300)


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