We treated some epidemic febrile disease by herbal Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang combining with synthetic treatment method and got satisfied effect, the report is shown as following. There are 55 patients with epidemic febrile disease who were randomly divided into two groups. Treatment method: both groups are treated by synthetic treatment, adding herbal Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang for observation group, the prescription’s ingredients include Zhu Ye 30g, raw Shi Gao 30g, Ban Xia 12g, Mai Dong 12g, Sha Shen 10g, Gan Cao 10g, it was decocted with water. Adding Bai Zhi 10g, Ge Gen 20g if there is headache, adding Da Huang 10g if there is constipation. Result: for treatment group, after 1 week, the healing rate is 86.67%, 13.33% patients become better. For contrast group, the healing rate is 64%, 20% patients become better.
Key words: Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang, herbal treatment, epidemic febrile disease
Writer: Zhongsen Zhu
Jiaozuo city public expense hospital, Henan province (454150)