There are 26 patients whose bilirubin >170μmol/L, all the patients were randomly divided into two groups, 12 patients in groups A were treated by Transmetil, 14 patients in group B were treated by herbs, we observe and compare two groups. The basic treatments for both groups are using vitamin A, coenzyme A, inosine, diammonium glycyrrihizinate, hepatocytegrowth-promotingfactors (HGPF), Dan Shen injection. For group A, adding Transmetil 1000mg and 5% Glucose injection 500ml for intravenous drip. For group B, adding self-built herbal prescription: Yin Chen (decocting solely) 90g, Chi Shao Yao 60g, Da Huang (dunking into water) 10g, Mang Ziao (added and taking) 9g, Zhi Shi 10g, Hou Pu 15g, Chai Hu 10g, Huang Qin 15g, Hu Zhang 20g, Bai Hua She She Cao 20g, Fa Ban Xia 15g, Dang Shen 10g, Bai Zhu 20g, Gan Cao 9g. Modification: 1. hypochondirac pain and bitter taste, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry pulse, removing Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, adding Long Dan Cao, Yu Jin, Zhi Zi; 2. if there are body heaviness, fullness sensation on chest, pale tongue, greasy coating, removing Bai Hua She She Cao, Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Gan Cao, adding Yi Yi Ren, Bai Kou Ren, Bai Tong Cao, Huo Xiang, Pei Lan; 3. poor appetite, pale tender tongue with teeth mark, increasing the dosage of Bai Zhu, Dang Shen, adding Bai Fu Ling.
Result: there are obvious effect on both groups in terms of the symptoms of fatigue, poor appetite, aversion to greasy, vomiting, nausea, abdominal distention and liver area pain etc, the improvement in group B is more evident than that of group A. There are evident decrease on degree of ALT, Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), TBil, IBil, DBil, serum total bile acid (TBA), and ALP in both groups, more obvious effect can be seen in group B than that of group A, there is no obvious difference on ALT and AST in both groups.
Key words: herbs Treatment, Hepatitis B and Bile Accumulation
Writer: Kangchang Luo, Jiajun Liu, Yuan Zhou, Qiang Wang, Yong Jian Wang, Jinbiao He
Ping Chang county people’s hospital, Sichuan province (635400)