The ingredients of Zhu Yu Xiao Zhong Ointment include Shan Dou Gen, Ku Shen, Mu Fu Rong, Mu Jin Pi, Zhi Zi, Da Huang, Jin Que Gen, Xu Duan, Sang Ji Sheng, Zao Jiao Ci, Dang Gui, Dan Shen, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Xue Jie, Zhen Zhu (pearl), etc 20 herbs, adding edible vegetable oil and making into ointment. The prescription nature is mild (mid nature), the cold and damp control each other, there are non-toxic and non-irritant to sore surface, it is suitable for both cold and heat syndrome; it can support health Qi and eliminate pathogenic factors, and anti-inflammation, invigorate flow of blood in order to restore micro-circulation, improve blood supply, expelling toxicity and discharge stagnation, benefit excretion, relieve tension inside focus, resolve turgescence and stop pain, promote the restoration of focus, benefit infiltration with aromatic. For interior, it may treat some organ disease of various bone disease; while for exterior, it may treat various superficial soft tissue diseases, it has comprehensive indications, as well as rapid and correct treatment effect; its use value is extremely high.
Key words: Zhu Yu Xiao Zhong Ointment, herbal exterior application, Bone and Soft Tissue Suppurative Infections
Writer: Zaizhang Chen
Hangzhou city Qi Huang bone injury and bone disease research center, Zhejiang province (310011)