When a man is ten years old, the five zang-organs are just stable. The blood and qi are already unobstructed. His qi mainly stays at the lower part of body. So he likes running. When he is twenty years old, the blood and qi are blooming, and the muscles are growing. So he likes trotting. When he is thirty years old, the five zang-organs are greatly mature. The muscles are mighty, and the blood vessels are prosperous and filled. So he likes leisurely walking. When he is forty, the five zang-organs, six fu-organs and twelve meridians are greatly prosperous and stable. The muscular striae begin to be loosened. The gloss of the skin declines. His hair becomes somewhat hoary. So he likes sitting instead of movements. When he is fifty, the liver qi begins to be weak. The liver becomes thin. The bile is decreased. The eyes are becoming bleary. When he is sixty, the heart qi begins to be weak. He suffers from anxiety and sadness, the blood and qi slump. So he likes sleeping. When he is seventy, the spleen qi becomes weak, and the skin dries up. When he is eighty, the lung qi becomes weak, and the yin soul leaves the body. So he frequently says things which do not make sense. When he is ninety, the kidney qi becomes wizened, and the meridians of other four zang-organs are nearly empty. When he is a hundred, the five zang-organs are completely failure. The spirit and qi leave. Only the body shell exists, at last he dies.
Key Words: topic on natural life-span, the divine pivot