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Nei Jing

The Emperor asked: "people do not all live to be the same age. Some will die young and some live long. Some die suddenly. Some experience protracted illness. Why?"

Qi Bo answered: "The five zang-organs are strong and health. The blood and vessels are harmonious. The muscles are lubricious and flexible. The skin is compact. The running of nutritive qi and protective qi is in normal. The respiration is proportion. The circulations of qi and blood, as well as breathing maintain a normal operation. The six fu-organs digest grains. The fluids are well distributed. Everything follows the rule. These people will live long."

The Emperor asked: “How could someone reach a hundred years?”

Qi Bo answered: "The philtrum is deep and long. The chin is wide and square. The nutritive qi and defensive qi are congruous. The three parts of the face are prominent. The bones are high and the muscles are plump there. This man will enjoy living to a hundred years without disease."

Key Words: topic on natural life-span, the divine pivot


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